January 19, 2025 Preaching | Ptr Ricky Sarthou

We’ve so far in this message series looked at the marks of a true Christian from the apostles Paul and John’s writings. Today, we’ll look at what Jesus taught His disciples about genuine, authentic, real Christians. In this age of AI-generated images, we oftentimes wonder if what we’re looking at is “for real”. People too are wondering if those of us who call ourselves Christians are for real. By the grace of God, the apostle Paul and others proved themselves as genuine followers of Jesus (1 Thessalonians 1:5). It’s not perfection but authenticity in believers that convince others that God and Christianity are real and legit. Here are three marks of a legit Christian:

1) REAL TALK: Who we say Jesus is

 Jesus once asked His disciples who people thought He was (Matthew 16:13-14). Some said Jesus was a prophet (John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah), but though those men were great prophets, people’s ideas fell short of the truth about Jesus. To the same question, Peter answered correctly, “You are the Christ (Greek equivalent of the Hebrew “Messiah,” sent by God to be King and Deliverer), the Son of the Living God” (Jews understood this title, which implied that person is God Himself). What about you? How would you answer Jesus’ question about who you say He is? Peter declared the deity of Jesus, and not just a man, and that’s why he replied correctly as Jesus Himself affirmed (Matthew 16:17). Coming to a correct conclusion about Jesus is not a mere intellectual exercise, it is the revelation of God’s Spirit when He opens our spiritual eyes. The bottom-line question is, “is Jesus God, or not?”. Jesus declared that He is God (John 8:24, 58; John 10:30) and the people then knew He was claiming to be God and wanted to stone Him for what they considered blasphemous. Furthermore, Jesus identified Himself as the “Alpha and the Omega — the Almighty” (Revelation 1:8). He accepted worship from38) people who encountered Him (Matthew 2:11; 14:33; 28:9, 17; Luke 24:52; John 9:38). If Jesus was just a good man, He will tell these people not to worship Him! His disciples also testified that Jesus was God (John 1:1,14; 20:24; Acts 20:28; Titus 2:13). Finally, Jesus’ sacrifice proves He is God (1 John 2:1-2); only the sacrifice of a pure, unblemished Lamb of God was acceptable to God for the payment of our sins.

REAL TALK means that we declare with full conviction that Jesus is the Savior, Lord, King, and Master of our lives! This is meant to be lived out moment by moment by the power of the Spirit.

2) REAL THINK: What we set our minds on

Jesus began to tell His disciples about His coming suffering and death on the cross, and resurrection (Matthew 16:21). Peter rebukes Jesus for saying such things, but Jesus sharply corrects him for not setting his mind on God’s interest, but man’s (Matthew 16:22-23). Perhaps Peter was thinking more of his discomfort with the Messiah’s suffering and death, rather than on God’s plan. We are to set our minds on things above, not things on earth (Colossians 3:1-2). The things most important to God are eternal; what Jesus was telling Peter was that he was setting his mind on what is temporal, not the eternal.

Other than God and heaven, two things that will last forever are the Word of God and people. Are we hungry for the Word of God? When we read our Bibles, we’re engaging with Jesus, the Living Word! Imagine having a private, uninterrupted time with the Creator and Sustainer of the universe! Are we hungry for God?

Are we burdened for the souls of people? We need to learn to look at people through the eyes of Jesus. Our prayer life reveals what we set our minds on. Do we pray for people, and do we take advantage of “divine appointments”, opportunities to tell others about the gospel (Ephesians 2:8-10)? The Word of God tells us to “go and make disciples” because people are important to God.

REAL THINK means that we set our minds on what is most important to Jesus.

3) REAL WALK: How we live our lives

“What is there in your life that is proof-positive of the reality of God in your life? What changes are being wrought in your experience today that is proof-positive in a world screaming for reality that God is alive?” (Howard Hendricks). The Bible says that we bring the aroma of Jesus into this world—what an amazing description of legit Christians. How should we live our lives? Jesus taught His disciples how (Matthew 16:24). We are to deny ourselves (disregard, despise, disown), to be servants to others, and even be a “slave” of all (Mark 10:43-44). We are to “take up your cross” which is often misunderstood to refer to something difficult (a person, circumstance, etc.) that we must bear. However, this actually means that we “die” to ourselves. In the time of Christ, anyone carrying a cross is a “dead man walking”. Our old self must die, crucified with Christ (Colossians 3:5). Thirdly, we are to follow Jesus (to accompany Jesus, let Him lead). Jesus knows where He is going and where He wants to take you (1 John 2:6). To “walk” like Jesus is to live like Him as we observe how Jesus walked through His Word, and through His people. 

REAL WALK means we live Christlike.

Are we for real, legit Christians? There is nothing we can give in exchange for our souls; there is nothing that will profit us in this world in comparison to the infinite and eternal value of our souls (Matthew 16:25-27). This is both a warning and an encouragement to us. A warning that we should walk with Jesus and an encouragement that following Jesus, though it has a great cost, is worth it. So, let us live by REAL TALK, REAL THINK and REAL WALK for the glory of God!


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