Feb 18, 2018 Preaching | Bro. Matthew Dela Serna
As we have learnt from the first discourse on the Book of Acts, is the story of God acting through the Apostles. It is a history yet packed with theology. In a short span, Christ’s followers spread from Jerusalem to the entire then-known world and still broadening out till today, of which we are a part of.
Differences between the Gospels and the Book of Acts:
The Gospel Narrative The Book of Acts
Talks about the finished work of Christ Talks about the work of reconciliation
Jesus provided the right relationship with God God’s people promotes relationship with Him
Differences between the Gospels and the Book of Acts:
The Gospel Narrative
Talks about the finished work of Christ
Jesus provided the right relationship with God
The Book of Acts
Talks about the work of reconciliation
God’s people promotes relationship with Him
“The Work Of Redemption Led To The Work Of Reconciliation.”
What Empowered The Apostles?
1. The Resurrection (Luke 24:21)
Upon Crucifixion, the apostles were discouraged and distraught by their naive view of Jesus as political instead of the spiritual king. Yet when the Resurrection took place, Jesus reappeared to them and His testimony gave them hope anew and fortified their faith.
2. The Realization Of The Prophecies (Acts 1:10-11)
Jesus presented Himself to His followers many times after His death, explaining to them the prophecies which He fulfilled and commanded them to be witnesses to Judea, Samaria and to the ends of Earth.
3. The Hope of His Return (Acts 1:11)
As Christ was taken up, two men stood by them in white apparel proclaiming that He will come back the same way they had seen Him ascend. This promise reinforced their belief that Jesus is indeed the Messiah, they have hoped for.
4. The Holy Spirit
The promise of the Holy Spirit by Christ has a special meaning for the disciples to whom it was spoken; but it holds good for every follower who seeks to know the truth.
Call Your Next Witness
Here was the beginning of the Christian church: The eleven apostles, the women, Mary and our Lord’s brethren that altogether there were about a hundred and twenty present. Praying constantly and steadfastly, the Word of God dominated their hearts as shown by eagerness to obey everything in it.
Peter stands up, takes charge and says the Scripture had to be fulfilled. He is showing us that they now are making all the connections. Recorded here as well, is the closure on the life of Judas, which renders that not even the most horrendous apostasy by one of the apostles can in any sense thwart the continuing progress of God’s plan. Peter made the proposal for the choice of another apostle. He had to be an eyewitness of the life, ministry, and the Resurrection of Jesus. But most of all, he also had to be chosen by God. So they put forth two candidates, “Joseph, called Barsabbas” – “also called Justus, and a man named Matthias or Mattathias.” They used a familiar Jewish Old Testament pattern of drawing lots. They asked the Lord, providentially and the lot fell to Matthias. Incidentally, the other guy didn’t demand a redraw nor leave the group, he accepted the divine choice. This practice of casting lots or seeking signs is no longer a determinant in our day and age as the Scriptures have been given to us and the Holy Spirit is there to guide in our decision making and choices.
In fact, it was the last mention of such act as there are no more lots past the day of Pentecost in the Bible.
What made these disciples bold enough to preach the message of a risen Saviour is the fact that they had witnessed with their own eyes that Jesus had been raised indeed (Romans 10:9). Their changed lives provide a solid testimony that Jesus is alive. They were willing to be mocked, persecuted, and put to death for the sake of the Gospel. As for us, though we have not had such remarkable experience but we have the Bible as the testimony to the truth and manifestation of our Lord and Saviour, besides in our own lives and brethren that have been reformed. Nevertheless, if we have not fully repented from our sinful ways then that conviction will not reside in hearts. So let us reflect on that truth as we should realize that we hold the power to be witnesses to our family, friends, and neighbours. Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19) so we ought to represent Him with the same courage and conviction of His disciples.
“The challenge is will you be the next witness for Christ?”