Truth: Live It, Pass It | 1 Timothy 4:12

Truth: Live It, Pass It | 1 Timothy 4:12

October 13, 2024 Preaching | Bro. Paul Tanchi Our world today celebrates the young, and it tends to neglect the older generations. However, in God’s design, people of all ages are valuable and has purpose in this world. Cultural trends influence every generation—from...
But If Not Faith | Daniel 3:17-18

But If Not Faith | Daniel 3:17-18

October 6, 2024 Preaching | Ptr. Peter Tanchi What do George Washington, Joan of Arc, Alexander the Great, and Blaise Pascal have in common? They were young people who achieved great things! As we celebrate Youth Month in CCF, we will discover how the best investment...
S.E.E. Family as Jesus Does | Matthew 12:50

S.E.E. Family as Jesus Does | Matthew 12:50

September 29, 2024 Preaching | Ptr. Edric Mendoza “Nothingbringshusbands,wives,andchildrentogethermoreeffectively thanaface-to-faceencounterwiththeCreatoroffamilies”-(Dr.James Dobson) LetusgoandencounterthisCreator,walkwithJesusandS.E.E.thefamily asJesusdoes....