Nov 27, 2022 Preaching | Bro. Julius Consulta
Biblical marriage is the union of a man and a woman. In terms of the dynamics of the relationship, there are generally three types – first is when the husband is in charge and is making the decisions, the second is when the wife is calling the shots and thirdly, mutual marriage. But there is another type of marriage, the Christ-centered loving marriage where the husband and the wife, driven by their love for Christ, respect and love each other.
In 1 Peter, the apostle encouraged the Christians who were dispersed and persecuted to live for Christ. The main theme of this letter is: Suffering for Christ for a Future Glory.
The original context of 1 Peter 3:1-7 talks about a Christian who is married to an unbelieving spouse. And in these seven verses we will learn principles on how a believing wife or husband should live with a non-Christian spouse.
Wives – 1st principle: Willingly submit to your own husband (verse 1a)
Biblical submission is not male domination, it does not mean men are better than women (Galatians 3:28), it is not blind submission and finally it does not give authority to husbands to abuse their wives. The word submit here comes from the Greek word hypotasso which means to be in subjection, to line up under (used in military terms). Peter wants the wives to willingly subordinate themselves to the leadership of their husbands for this is God’s design for marriage just like how Christ lovingly and selflessly submitted himself to the will of the Father (1 Peter 2:21).
Submission is a God given role.
Wives – 2nd principle: Preach through your conduct (verse 1b)
Peter was telling the wives to win their husbands to Christ not only through their words as they preach the gospel but also through their conduct.
John MacArthur said, “The lovely, gracious, gentle submission of a Christian woman to her unsaved husband is the strongest evangelistic tool she has.”
Wives – 3rd principle: Enhance your inner beauty (verse 3-4)
Outward beauty will eventually fade and perish. Here Peter was talking about the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious to God. Nothing wrong with being beautifully adorned outside but most importantly be radiant inside. Proverbs 31:30. Cultivate your inner beauty and character because that will never fade away.
Biblical submission is when obedience and honor come together as modeled by Sarah.
Husbands – 1st principle: Be student of your wife (verse 7a)
Biblical submission in the context of marriage is mutual. (Ephesians 5:21)
Peter was telling the husbands to live with their unbelieving wives with understanding and not leave them. Pursue your wives by willingly submitting to them to understand them more.
Husbands – 2nd principle: Honor and strengthen your wife (verse 7b)
Peter’s intention was for husbands to know the soft spots of their wives so that they can help her and be her strength.
Matthew Henry said, “Woman was not taken from man’s head to be above him. She was not taken from his feet to be walked on by him. But she was taken from his side to be close to him. From under his arm to be protected by him. From near to his heart to be loved by him.”
Husbands are to desire his wife to thrive under his spiritual leadership. Be a godly man worth following and submitting to.
A Christ-centered loving marriage starts with a Christ-centered loving husband and a Christ-centered loving wife who looks to Jesus Christ and submits himself/herself to his/her spouse, trusting God that He is able to cause change in their marriage.