Convictions That Conquered the World

Acts 7: 44

Jan 26, 2020 Preaching | Ptr. Ravi Zacharias

We often had an idea that we are living in the toughest times; the world has so many needs and issues that we have to confront every day. We cannot have control over everything – Accidents and unfortunate events may happen at an unexpected time. Instead of worrying, what we can do is to think through what God wants us to do as an individual. Doing an activity for God can bring about so many changes.


God has raised a group of individuals to continue his work. During this time, the Jesus and the apostles had a difficult time to fulfil their duties as they have to deal with a mixed culture of corrupted worldly views. Alfred Edersheim (author of the book “Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah”) described the situation where Jesus and the apostles had to deal with to spread the Gospel. Some of them were:

  1. Corrupted Public Morals
  2. Divination, Astrology and Magic
  3. Ideas and Conscience influenced by Hedonism (seeking pleasure as a way of life)
  4. Might was Right; absolute right does not exist
  5. Sanctity of Marriage had ceased
  6. Abortion was tolerated

In the midst of these corrupted worldly views, Jesus opened up and introduce the texts from Isaiah 61 and started preaching in synagogues. This resulted to a handful of men and women to be changed at that time. The same is also evident on Stephen’s speech to Sanhedrin (Acts 7:44) – the same speech that became the hinges that changed history. After Stephen’s death, Saul (who ironically authorized Stephen’s death by stoning) became responsible for continuing the mission of proclaiming the good news and wrote the majority of books in the New Testament.


To pursue God’s calling, we need to be always motivated by the conviction of Truth and Love. Convictions that are unsupported by Truth and Love becomes vile and repulsive. We must seek God and do not underestimate what God can do To You, In You and Though You. Here are some truths that kept the disciples going through God’s call:

  1. The Finger of God is seen in all of history with Jesus Christ as its Central Figure

Jesus is the point of reference for on to everything that transpires. The Bible teaching is neither Existential, nor Traditional nor Utopian.

a. Existentialism is described as the act of defining a person based on what he does (“WHAT YOU DO defines WHO YOU ARE”) or Existence comes before Essence. Existentialists is driven by the “now”. The Biblical teaching does not implicate Existentialism but rather the opposite (“WHO YOU ARE defines WHAT YOU DO”). This is why we were called Human “Beings”. BEING precedes (comes before) what we do.

b. Traditionalism deals more with the past and is seen from the Hebrew culture.

c. Utopianism (Marxist) is based on Futuristic reference.

In summary, Jesus is the Lord of all History. Jesus is the Lord of all Time.

  1. They harnessed the arena of persecution as a platform of opportunity

Do not be afraid of Persecution and Opposition. But be surprised if you don’t have any persecution. For the greater your potential is, the greater the discouragement that comes from the enemies. Don’t Lose Heart and keep going. The most difficult part of the race is to keep going when you are at the half-way point. A classic example is when a Kenyan runner was preparing for a marathon. Kenyan runners train themselves by running through hills and valleys and even through steep and uneven grounds. 

There are two kinds of calling :

  1. Sacred
  2. Profane (Secular)

No Christian is in secular work (worldy or ungodly). Your career is also a sacred calling. Use your career as a platform of opportunity to be a witness of Christ.

In summary, a Job is something you Choose, but a Calling is something for which You are Chosen

  1. Priority of a person over Methodology

Methods are just means; there are no guarantees for a person to succeed even if he strictly follows the methods. Individual is prior to the method. Training does not equate gifts. Gifts are prior to the training. God has already gave you the gifts. Training is used to sharpen your God-given gifts.

All of us have a calling. We have been given a platform of opportunity to be a witness of Christ. What we need to do is to fulfil the Calling and serve God that His Finger is in all History. Know your priority as an individual over methodology. We are an individual and we are indivisible. We are all fashioned by God. Don’t lose heart. Let us do what God wants us to do.

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