August 25, 2024 Preaching | Ptr. Peter Tanchi

Forty is a significant measurement of time in the Bible. Forty years usually depicts a generation in scripture. As we celebrate our 40th Anniversary, we are reminded that our church is all about God who has given us a mission – to MAKE DISCIPLES. The danger is to think we are so accomplished. We still have a lot of work to do! The work has just begun. Millions more need to hear about Jesus in our metropolis alone. What is needed today? We need to HAVE A FRESH ENCOUNTER WITH GOD. We need to have a fresh encounter with God daily! Let’s look into the amazing life and ministry of Isaiah who served God for almost 60 years, under five kings in Judah. Isaiah remained faithful to God because he had a fresh encounter with Him.

ISAIAH 6:1-3

It was when King Uzziah died that Isaiah saw the LORD on His throne (Isaiah 6:1). Instabilities and challenges surrounded Isaiah, and there were a lot of worries and fears in the kingdom. Kings and presidents may come and go, but God is still ON THE THRONE (Psalm 135:6, Ephesians 1:11)! There’s no accident in your life; (Romans 8:28-29); to say this means God is in control and sovereign.

As a church, we had to leave the previous place we were renting for our worship center. That sad decision prompted us to have our own home at the CCF Center, our base of operation for a global discipleship movement! Have a high view of God. He is in control, and the result is we can have peace. Romans 8:31-32 points us to the source of our confidence: God is for us, and no one can be against us! God sent His Son, Jesus to die for the forgiveness of our sins. It’s the proof of His love for us.

The first thing God wanted Isaiah to know was His majesty and greatness. We can be at rest because God is in charge. Isaiah 6:2-3 describes the Seraphim, superbeings in the presence of God doing something we cannot because God is too holy for our eyes to behold. They exalt the absolute goodness and holiness of God. God is HOLY – He is distinct as the Creator, His moral perfection is undisputed, and He is the example of moral purity (light). In the book of Revelation, these angels (seraphim) were mentioned too (Revelation 4:8), still praising our holy, holy, holy God! He has absolute power and absolute control, and at the same time, the LORD is absolutely pure and good – these define who God is (1 John 1:5). God created us as human beings in His image. We submit to God’s authority because of who He is. How do we know we have encountered the Lord?

ISAIAH 6:4-7

Isaiah 6:4-5 shows Isaiah’s response when he encountered the Lord. Isaiah saw his imperfection (v.5). He saw himself as ruined, seeing his sinfulness, even if it was just having unclean lips – most probably he felt he had said something bad in his life (Matthew 15:18). We need not compare ourselves with others to measure our holiness – compared to Jesus, we are broken and need grace and mercy. God loves you, but until you realize you are a sinner, you will not understand the grace of God and your need for a Savior.

Isaiah 6:6-7 talks about how the seraphim drew near to the humbled Isaiah, and the angel provided forgiveness and purification for him. This was a prophetic picture involving the altar where the burnt sacrifice is offered, and the sanctification that resulted after it. We come before God to admit we are sinners, and we receive God’s gracious forgiveness. A high view of God, and a proper view of ourselves, will then allow us to see the needs of others.


After Isaiah was forgiven and cleansed, he heard the Lord asking, “Whom shall I send, who will go for Us?” (Isaiah 6:8). The moment when Isaiah sensed this need, he immediately volunteered and said, “HERE AM I, SEND ME!”. This showed that Isaiah knew the gospel and understood the ministry of the Messiah and even prophesied about it (Isaiah 53:5-6).

Romans 1:14-16 shows the heart of the Apostle Paul as well – after encountering Jesus, he considered himself “under obligation”, he was “eager to preach”, and he was “not ashamed of the gospel … it is the power of God for salvation…” People are lost without Jesus, and they need to hear the Good News! But you will not share the gospel if you have not experienced the gospel. Revelation 20:11-12 and 15 describe the judgment for sinners—no one can escape. God is holy and will judge evil; yet we receive God’s mercy when we come to Jesus, admit we are sinners, and accept the grace He offers for the forgiveness of our sins. Revelation 21:8 talks about sins that bring judgment, which all of us could be guilty of (we have all lied!). We ask for mercy on account of Christ.

Have you surrendered your life to God? Are you ready to volunteer and say, “Here am I, send me!”? We all need a fresh encounter with God, so stop playing games! Admit you are a sinner, accept Jesus as Savior and Lord, and receive forgiveness for your sins. Serve God and be bringers of a fresh encounter with God to others as we continue ahead in the next forty years to come! Blessed 40th Anniversary, CCF family, and all praises, honor and glory be to our God and Savior , Jesus Christ!


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