September 29, 2024 Preaching | Ptr. Edric Mendoza

“Nothingbringshusbands,wives,andchildrentogethermoreeffectively thanaface-to-faceencounterwiththeCreatoroffamilies”-(Dr.James Dobson)

LetusgoandencounterthisCreator,walkwithJesusandS.E.E.thefamily asJesusdoes.


1. STAND ON GOD’S DESIGN (Mark10:2-9,13-16)

To understand Mark10:2-9, it is important to know that the Pharisees were testing Jesus at a place known as Perea. It was where John was arrested and beheaded because he called out Herod Antipas about his marriage and divorce. The Pharisees were setting Jesus up bringing him into a region where something already happened to his cousin, John.

Also, there were two groups of Pharisees that day. One group said that A divorce is okay if the wife is caught with sexual immorality. The other group said divorce is okay whatever the reason. If Jesus says it’s lawful for a man to divorce his wife, they will ask if it’s okay for any reason or only for sexual immorality. When He gives any one of those two answers, the other group will hate Him. Pharisees win if Jesus says it’s okay. If Hesays that it’s not okay, and Herod Antipas hears about that, then just like John, Jesus will be in trouble. He can get arrested.

Jesus pointed them to Scripture and revealed the real issue: hardness of heart. This is what we need to do to address whatever is happening in our family right now. Know God’s Word. Know His design; stand on it. Look at the Scripture and look deeper.

This is God’s design vs theworld’s design for mariage:

God’s Design

World’s Design

between male & female only(v.6)

between anyone that the nation’s law allow

transcending legal contracts(v.8)

bound primarily by legal contract

no man should separate(v.9)

man can separate where nation’s lawv allows

In the second part of the narative (Mark10:13-16), Jesus was very upset when the disciples rebuked parents for bringing all their kids to Jesus. In Roman society, the way they dealt with children was fickle. A father could decide to kill his child for whatever reason. Children were like functional objects in their society.

Jesus instead took the children in His arms and blessed them. He showed a different model. It is a beautiful picture of tender love and the speaking of blessing and affirmation that Jesus was modeling to all of us. He Himself experienced this (Mathew3:16-17) from His Heavenly Father.


Jesus in another encounter with His disciples, said that if anyone comes to Him but does not “hate” his own family or his own life cannot be His disciple (Luke14:26). “Hate” in the Greek text means to love less by comparison. It is not to dislike or hate them. A parallel passage is found in Mathew 10:37.

Jesus is not saying to literaly hate family but instead to love and prioritize Him above all, even over ourselves. Let’s evaluate our priorities

       •  Faith over family? – Application: Choose God over family.

  • “Child-centric” parent? –  Application: Prioritize marriage over children. 

            Fathers model manhood to sons. Mothers model womanhood to daughters. Older siblings encourage and take care of the younger ones.

       •  Marriage is an idol? – Application: Be content. Do not compromise. Wait for God’s best.

       • Having a child is an idol? – Application: Be content.Do not compromise. Consider adoption.

Make Jesus our first priority. Jesus over family. Jesus over all priorities.

3. EMBRACE A LARGER FAMILY (Matthew 12:48-50)

Jesus once again tells us something that’s quite startling. He is reminding us of a truth that God has no grandchildren.We are all children of God and He is our Father. We need to expand and look at the broader spiritual family (Mathew 12:48-50).

Are you part of God’s family (John1:12)? Make Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life. Believe in what He has done. Accept Him.

“For the Kingdom of God belong to such as these”(Mark10:14) “ means there’s something so special about children. There is something so beautiful about a child’s purity and simplicity. We often forget the simplicity and purity of being able to see Jesus, to follow Him and obey Him.

Come to Jesus! Watch what He will do as He transforms you and gives you the boldness and the courage to overcome challenges to your family life. See family as Jesus does!

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