Convictions That Conquered the World | Acts 7:44
Convictions That Conquered the WorldActs 7: 44Jan 26, 2020 Preaching | Ptr. Ravi Zacharias We often had an idea that we are living in the toughest times; the world has so many needs and issues that we have to confront every day. We cannot have control over...
Pursue the One Thing: Seek Intimacy with God | Psalm 27:1-4
Seek Intimacy with GodPsalm 27:1-4Jan 12, 2020 Preaching | Ptr. Peter Tan-chi What is your one thing? That if you had it would really complete you, would really make you happy. Knowing this is important to evaluate and make necessary adjustments in the...
Pursue the One Thing: Sit at the Feet of Jesus | Luke 10:38-42
Sit at the Feet of JesusLuke 10: 38-42Jan 5, 2020 Preaching | Ptr. Peter Tan-chi Most of us make new year resolutions, yet fail to achieve them. The reason is this – we overestimate the power of our will and underestimate the principle of the system. For us...
Three Words for an Extraordinary Life: “Here I Am!”| Genesis 22:1-3
Three Words for an Extraordinary life: "Here I Am!" New Year MessageGenesis 22:1-3Dec 29, 2019 Preaching | Ptr. Ricky Sarthou As we turn the page to a new year, what will we do differently? Will we just continue to exist or will we live? Today, we talk about...
Grow in Christ-like Compassion | Matthew 9:36-38
Grow in Christ-like CompassionLegit SeriesMatthew 9:36-38Dec 1, 2019 Preaching | Ptr. Richard Schlitt What do we think of when we hear the word compassion? Does it conjure an image of a heart, or of one rescuing the helpless? If we ask Google, it would...
Principles #9 and #10 on Shepherding | Psalm 23
Principles 9 & 10 on ShepherdingBecause The Lord is my Shepherd Series: A look into the heart of the Shepherd of Israel Part 5Psalm 23: 6Dec 8, 2019 Preaching | Ptr Jay Jackson Psalm 23 has so much to say what shepherding is about. In fact, we are all...
What I Have, I Give You | Acts 3:1-26
What I Have, I Give You Book Of Acts Series: Don't Go To Church, Be The Church Acts 3:1-26 Mar 11, 2018 Preaching | Ptr. Jay Jackson We’ve been looking at Acts to understand better what a church is. We take off from our studies last week, when Peter boldly preached...