November 10, 2024 Preaching | Ptr Peter Tanchi

Our world today celebrates the young, and it tends to neglect the older generations. However, in God’s design, people of all ages are valuable and has purpose in this world. Cultural trends influence every generation—from Baby Boomers to Gen Alpha. But God’s truth ought to prevail in our lives no matter what season of life we are in (John 17:14-17, 2 Timothy 3:16-17).

 The apostle Paul had a young disciple named Timothy (1 Timothy 1:1-4). Paul instructed Timothy to be an example to others, as a young pastor in Ephesus (1 Timothy 4:12). No matter what age group you belong to, all who belong to Christ ought to live the Truth, pass the Truth. How do we do that?


To live out the Truth, we need to apply God’s truth over worldly trends in our SPEECH. What we say and how we say it matters. The trend today is to say whatever we feel, unfiltered. When we speak and talk to people (in social media and interactions), we have the opportunity to build others up (Ephesians 4:29). James tells us that our words have the power of life and death! Speak life into other people—use your life to build them up.

We live out God’s truth in our CONDUCT. Today’s trend is to live your “truth” by doing what makes you happy regardless of what God thinks or how it affects others. But for Christians, God’s will is that we conduct ourselves in a way that is worthy of the gospel (Philippians 1:27).  God wants us to live out our personality in a way that brings glory to Him. Another trend today is that love is about self-fulfillment; leave when it no longer serves you. But the Bible tells us that LOVE is patient, kind, is not jealous, does not brag, not arrogant (1 Corinthians 13:4). Jesus tells us that there is no greater love than to lay down your life for a friend. Paul tells Timothy that in the last days (which began when Jesus ascended into heaven), people will be lovers of self, lovers of money…lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, etc. (2 Timothy 3:1-5). God is love (1 John 4:8); love is a wonderful thing, but if love for self or other things becomes greater than your love for God, it’s a misdirected love. To live out the truth in what we love, we must love God above all!

We live out the Truth in our FAITH. The trend nowadays is to believe in yourself above all else—you are your own source of strength and success. However, the Bible tells us to trust in the Lord, not to depend on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). We apply this when we pray for others instead of trying to control what we cannot control. Prayer reflects our faith in Jesus, not in ourselves. Another trend today says that anything goes if it feels good; everyone’s doing it and moral boundaries are old-fashioned. God’s truth, however, teaches us about PURITY, that we flee from sexual immorality…your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you (1 Corinthians 6:18-19).  God created sex a beautiful thing inside marriage. Outside marriage, we should flee from it. Sex is not the ultimate thing; don’t believe the lie that if you don’t have sex, you’re lacking or cannot have pleasure (outside marriage). Follow His design for marriage and gender (between male and female) and family. Why should we be pure? So that we will be useful to our Master, prepared for every good work (2 Timothy 2:20-21). He gives us the power to do it, but we must decide to sanctify ourselves, stay pure. At every season of our life, God wants to use us. When it comes to sexual sin, we fight it by “fleeing” from it and pursuing righteousness. Don’t focus on the sin, focus on Jesus. We need people in our lives to help us. We are not self-sufficient! We need others to encourage us.

Choose your battles; let’s not be quarrelsome people! Be kind, be patient when you’re wronged because with gentleness, God can soften our opponent’s heart leading them to know the truth (2 Timothy 2:23-26).


We not only live the Truth, but also pass it on to others. We get discouraged because we rely on our own strength. Paul tells Timothy to be strong in the Lord, and to pass on the truth he received to others also. Paul entrusted the truth to Timothy, who would pass it on to faithful men who would teach it to others. Four generations of disciples! 

Who first entrusted the truth to Timothy? It was his mother Lois and grandmother Eunice (2 Timothy 1:5). Perhaps Timothy’s dad was not a believer, as he was not mentioned. For single parents today, you can take heart that even without a spouse, you can pass on the faith to your children. 

Christians have been enlisted to serve Christ like soldiers who aim to please their commanding officer (2 Timothy 2:3-4). We will experience suffering as we serve God. As we pass the truth on, there are things that can disqualify us. Like athletes, we need to play by the rules. Like a farmer, be hard-working as you pass it on. The Lord will give you understanding as you meditate on God’s truth (2 Timothy 2:5-7). When you’re discouraged and tired, remember Jesus. It was for the Lord that Paul endured all things (sufferings) (2 Timothy 2:8-10).

Young people can be used by God today as they live out the Truth and pass it. Older adults, don’t take for granted the life and time God has given you with your loved ones—pass it on, live it out. May we be like the apostle Paul, who fought the good fight and finished well (2 Timothy 4:7-8). Live out God’s Truth and pass it to the next generation!

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