August 11, 2024 Preaching | Ptr. Danny Urquico

Visiting Pastor Danny Urquico tackles the topic of Volunteering, the third core value in CCF’s Biblical Culture series. Beginning with a review of the first two core values (L -Love God, love others based on the love we receive from Jesus; and O – Obey God and His appointed authorities as an act of faith and a show of reverence, for God deserves our utmost and highest respect), the natural conclusion would be V – Volunteer. Volunteering is an evidence of God’s love in our lives and a gauge for our obedience to Him. We should not keep Jesus to ourselves – He is to be shared with everyone, along with the gifts we receive from God, as He has entrusted us to be good stewards of His blessings.

Dr. Steve Lawson said, “You have not been saved to sit – you have been saved to serve.” More often than not, some Christians seem to think that the evidence of salvation and a relationship with Jesus ends with attending service every Sunday, usually in a comfortable, climate-controlled venue, and that’s it. We know this is not the case – we know God has prepared work for us to do while we are in this temporary stage of life, and this work is a blessing from God for our good. If we have no use, God may very well decide to bring us home. If He has given us earthly tasks, He will be the one to equip and empower us to do the job. Volunteer or disappear – in both cases, God stays sovereign. Christ himself modeled volunteerism to us as He journeyed to reach people during His time as a Man. Today, He calls us to do the same, and to model the spirit of volunteering to our families and the people around us, as followers of Christ.

Still, many Christians today are not yet active in the area of serving. What are some
of the reasons we are not engaged in volunteering for God?


A. We want to serve out of comfort and convenience, according to our own terms and our own time

If serving is too easy, it becomes a ‘praise me’ job. There would be no need to be dependent on God, and we would see no necessity to be empowered by the Spirit – it would all be self-reliance, without God in the picture. Read Deuteronomy 8:12-14. Therein is an observation, as well as a reminder, that people have a tendency to think that there is no need to be dependent on God when things are going well. May it
never be! Remember: comfort and complacency are two of the greatest threats to Christianity.

B. I am not ready yet – In God’s Time

What does it mean for us to ‘be ready’? Is it reaching a certain level of skill? Achieving our desired status at work? When we have finished putting the kids through college, have retired, and are confident that we have more than enough free time and resources accumulated to volunteer? If we wait for us to be “very much ready” before we serve, it only means that we rely on ourselves so completely that we don’t feel the
need to rely on God. We are to give God the very best portion of our life and energy, and if we’re reading this today, that simply means ‘NOW’. Make our hearts ready to respond to God’s call to do God’s work.

C. “I am JUST a Volunteer” Mindset

When we say, “I am just a volunteer”, is it as a show of humility, or as a show of pride? Sometimes, when we have this mindset, the underlying thought is that we are just volunteering – we are providing a service for free, therefore we should be admired and praised for it. This paves the way to prideful thinking, feeling entitled, and believing that we are the ones doing God a favour. The fact is GOD DOESN’T NEED US, WE NEED HIM. We don’t volunteer because we can do things for God, but because of the things He did and continues to do for us! What God wants is not our contribution, but for our character to grow more Christ-like every day. Serving is a privilege from God – it is a great honour to be able to serve Him.


1. Because of the Grace of God (Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 3:23)
● He DIED for us
1 Samuel 12:24 says, “Only fear the Lord and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for
consider what great things He has done for you.” We are all recipients of God’s Grace.

2. Our Gratitude to God
Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” God orchestrates good things for us to accomplish. Service, along with strength, talent, resources, our very lives – all these are gifts from the Most High. And with these gifts, God gives us the burden in our hearts and the power in our hands to do the work He
prepared for us.

How are we doing in the area of serving? Are we filled with doubt in our capacity to serve, resorting to excuses and delays? God is calling us today! We are blessed to bless others, called to serve, and to have the honour of being used by God in His perfect plans for His people. Answer the call to serve today, and put your trust and dependence completely on Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think! To God be all the glory!

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